
Pablo Escalona

Información de contacto

+56 (32) 2654086


For more than 10 years (1999-2010), I worked at the CIMA applied research center of the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM), leading technology transfer projects, related to the design, operation and improvement of production systems, in several companies in Valparaíso, Chile. The technology transfer was the result of projects developed by the CIMA team with funds awarded by FONDEF (Conicyt, Chile) and CORFO (Ministry of Economy, Chile).

In 2015, I obtained the Ph.D degree in Engineering Systems awarded by the Universidad de Chile.

From 2014, I am a full-time faculty member of the Department of Industrial Engineering of the UTFSM with affiliation to the Operations Management Study Area. I teach courses in Operations Management and Operations Research for upper level undergraduates and MS students.

My research is focuses on the application of operations research techniques to problems in logistics (Location, Transportation, Inventory and Service levels), while my fields of interest are combinatorial and mathematical optimization, stochastic programming and stochastic proceses. I am currently working on the fare inspection problem consisting in determine optimal patrolling strategies to inhibit evasion in public transit systems.

Academic Background

  • Post-Doctoral Research. INOCS team, INRIA Lille Nord-Europe, Lille, France (2019). Supervisors: Luce BrotcorneBernard Fortz & Martine Labbé.
  • Ph.D. in Engineering Systems. Universidad de Chile, Chile (2009-2015). Integration of inventory control decisions with facility location for several demand classes. Research advisor: Fernando Ordóñez.
  • M.Sc. in Quality and Productivity Systems. Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico (2001-2003).
  • Industrial Engineering degree. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile (1991-1998).

Full CV

Refereed Publications (WoS)

Selected Proceedings

Research Projects

  • FONDECYT 11200287. Patrolling strategies to avoid fare evasion in public transportation systems: a Stackelberg game approach. Investigador responsable (2020 – 2023).
  • Proyecto de investigación UTFSM, PI_LIR_2020_12. Aplicación de juegos de Stackelberg para evitar evasión de tarifa en sistemas de transporte público. Investigador Responsable (2020-2021).
  • Proyecto de Investigación UTFSM, Nº116282. Location of mobile resources for forest emergencies considering the continuous propagation of fires under uncertain conditions.  Investigador Responsable (2016-2017).
  • Proyecto de Investigación UTFSM, Nº281476.  Integration of inventory control decisions with facility location for several demand classes. Investigador Responsable (2015).
  • Fondef ID14I10378.  Reproducción Robotizada de elementos estructurales y ornamentales de geometría compleja para la restauración y rehabilitación del patrimonio arquitectónico chileno en madera. Co-Investigador (2014-2015). Para conocer más de este proyecto, haz click aquí.

Thesis supervision

Social Research Networks


  • ICHIO (Chilean Institute of Operational Research)
  • INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and Management Science)