
Raúl Stegmaier

Información de contacto

+56 (32) 2654086


Since 1993 I´m full time Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering USM, Valparaíso, Chile. I teach and research in the Operations Management Study Area with emphasis in the Physical Asset Management, Maintenance and Reliability Engineering in undergraduate and graduate programs. My research work has been published in several journals and books. Additionally, I have directed various industrial and consulting projects in System Reliability Analysis, Reliability Engineering deployment and in the implementation of Lean Manufacturing Principles from the mining to the services industries and I was a member of the TC 251 – ISO 55000 series, Chilean chapter. In the area of university management I have held diverse positions at the USM such as Director of Academic Affairs, Director of Planning and Development and Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering. Currently, I´m director of the Master in Asset Management and Maintenance and I´m a member of the board of directors of the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María.

Academic Background

  • M.Sc in Industrial Engineering, with a minor inProduction, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. (1998)
  • Industrial Engineering degree, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile. (1992)

Refereed Publications (WoS)

Selected Proceedings

Thesis supervision

Social Research Networks