
Rodrigo Mena

Información de contacto


From 2010, I have worked on the design and implementation of computational frameworks for modelling, simulation and optimization of complex engineered systems, for both the industrial and academic sectors. My research interests include systems modelling, advanced simulation methods, forecasting and prognostics, optimization, uncertainty modelling and risk analysis, with focus on the development of tools to provide comprehensible spectrums of information for well-supported decision making regarding the planning and operation of complex systems. The field of application of my research concerns the expansion planning and operations of electric power systems, including uncertainty and risk analyses for the integration of renewable generation.

On 2017, I have joined the Department of Industrial Engineering, specifically in Operations Management Study Area, at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, as a full-time faculty member, to perform teaching regarding Operations Management and Operations Research and to continue carrying out applied research aiming at strengthening the linkages between academia and industry.

Academic Background

  • Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering. CentraleSupélec, Paris, France (2012-2015). Risk–based modelling, simulation and optimization for the integration of renewable distributed generation into electric power networks. Research advisor: Enrico Zio.
  • Mechanical Engineering degree. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile (2002-2007).

Refereed Publications

Selected Proceedings

Social Research Networks