From 2010, I have worked on the design and implementation of computational frameworks for modelling, simulation and optimization of complex engineered systems, for both the industrial and academic sectors. My research interests include systems modelling, advanced simulation methods, forecasting and prognostics, optimization, uncertainty modelling and risk analysis, with focus on the development of tools to provide comprehensible spectrums of information for well-supported decision making regarding the planning and operation of complex systems. The field of application of my research concerns the expansion planning and operations of electric power systems, including uncertainty and risk analyses for the integration of renewable generation.
On 2017, I have joined the Department of Industrial Engineering, specifically in Operations Management Study Area, at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, as a full-time faculty member, to perform teaching regarding Operations Management and Operations Research and to continue carrying out applied research aiming at strengthening the linkages between academia and industry.
Academic Background
- Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering. CentraleSupélec, Paris, France (2012-2015). Risk–based modelling, simulation and optimization for the integration of renewable distributed generation into electric power networks. Research advisor: Enrico Zio.
- Mechanical Engineering degree. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile (2002-2007).
Refereed Publications
- Mena, R., Godoy, D. R., Kristjanpoller, F. & Viveros, P. (2024). A multi-objetive two-stage stochastic unit commitment model for wind and battery-integrated power systems. Journal of Energy Storage. 89. 111723.
- Mena, R., Godoy, M., Catalán, C., Viveros, P. & Zio, E. (2023). Multi-objetive two-stage stochastic unit commitment model for wind-intergrated power systems: A compromise programming approach. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. 152.
- Viveros P., Espinoza M., Mena R., Kristjanpoller F. (2023). Extended framework for preventive maintenance planning: Risk and behavior analysis of a proposed optimization model. Complexity. Article ID 2701439.
- Viveros P., Cardenas-Pantoja N., Kristjanpoller F., Mena R. (2022). Reportability Tool Design: Assessing Grouping Schemes for Strategic Decision Making in Maintenance Planning from a Stochastic Perspective. Applied Sciences. 12(11), 5386.
- Mena, R., Zio, E. & Viveros, P. (2022). Matérn process-based simulation of wind speed time series. Energy Conversion and Management. 12, 115596.
- Viveros P., Mena R., Zio E., Miqueles L. & Kristjanpoller F. (2021). Integrated planning framework for preventive maintenance grouping: A case study for a conveyor system in the Chilean mining industry. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability. Article Number 1748006X211053758.
- Kristjanpoller F., Cárdenas-Pantoja N., Viveros P. & Mena R. (2021). Criticality analysis based on reliability and failure propagation effect for a complex Wastewater Treatment Plant. Applied Sciences. 11(22), 10836.
- Viveros P., Miqueles L., Mena R., Kristjanpoller F. (2021). Opportunistic strategy for maintenance interventions planning: A case study in a wastewater treatment plant. Applied Sciences. 11(22), 10853.
- Mena R., Viveros P., E. Zio E. & Campos S. (2021). An optimization framework for opportunistic planning of preventive maintenance activities. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 215, 107801.
- Viveros P., González K., Mena R., Kristjanpoller F. & Robledo J. (2021). Slotting optimization model for a warehouse with divisible first-level accommodation locations. Applied Sciences 11, 936.
- Mena, R., Escobar, R., Lorca, Á., Negrete-Pincetic, M. and Olivares, D. (2019). The impact of concentrated solar power in electric power systems: A Chilean case study. Applied Energy, 235, 258-283.
- Mena, R., Hennebel, M., Li, Y. and Zio, E. (2016). A multi–objective optimization framework for risk–controlled integration of renewable generation into electric power systems. Energy, 106, 712–727.
- Mena, R., Hennebel, M., Li, Y. and Zio, E. (2014). Self–adaptable hierarchical clustering analysis and differential evolution for optimal integration of renewable distributed generation. Applied Energy, 133, 388–402.
- Mena, R., Hennebel, M., Li, Y., Ruiz, C. and Zio, E. (2014). A risk–based simulation and multi–objective optimization framework for the integration of distributed renewable generation and storage. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 37, 778–793.
- Barberá, L., Viveros, P., Mena, R. and González-Prida, V. (2014). Influence of the input load on the reliability of the grinding line. A case study applied to the mining industry. DYNA. 89(5), 560-568.
- Mena, R., Zio, E., Kristjanpoller, F. & Arata A. (2013). Availability-Based Optimization and Simulation Model to Open-Pit Mine Truck Allocation Problem. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 113-119.
Selected Proceedings
- Kristjanpoller, F., Viveros, P., Crespo, A., Mena, R., Stegmaier, R. (2015). A novel methodology for availability assessment of complex load sharing systems. Safety and Reliability: Methodology and Applications – Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2014. 2161-2166.
- Mena, R., Hennebel, M. and Zio, E. (2014). Sensitivity analysis of a simulation model for evaluating renewable distributed generation on a power network. In Proceedings 13th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems PMAPS, IEEE 2014.
- Mena, R., Hennebel, M., Li, Y., Ruiz, C. and Zio, E. (2014). Optimal sizing and allocation of distributed generation for reliable energy distribution accounting for uncertainty. Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Beyond the Horizon – Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2013. 2899-2907.
- Mena, R., Zio, E., Viveros, P., Kristjanpoller, F., Arata, A. (2012). Simulation and multi-objective optimization of an open-pit mine truck-shovel system by the cross-entropy method. 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and the Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012, PSAM11 ESREL 2012, 8. 6663-6672.
Social Research Networks
- Research Gate: Click Here