
Víctor M. Albornoz

Información de contacto

+56 (2) 32028295


Ph.D. Victor M. Albornoz has a degree in Mathematics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He also has postgraduate studies, being M.Sc. in Mathematics and Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Since 1999, he is a full-time professor in the Departamento de Industrias of the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, where he usually teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Operations Research and Management Science. He has been distinguished several times as “Maestro de Excelencia” in recognition by the opinion of his own students.

His research areas are in the field of Operations Research, with special emphasis on optimization under uncertainty and numerical optimization techniques, especially for modeling and solving operation management problems. He is author of more than 30 publications in scientific journals, series and book chapters, and more than 80 contributions in national and international conference proceedings. He has participated and directed research projects with internal and external financial support. He is a member of the Chilean Institute of Operations Research (ICHIO), currently occupying the position of Past President, and he integrates the Board of the Latin American Association of Operations Research (ALIO) as the Representative of ICHIO for the IFORS 2023 triennial conference. He is currently Associate Editor of Pesquisa Operacional (Scielo journal) and regularly participates of ICHIO, ALIO, EURO and INFORMS meetings and conferences.

Academic Background

  • Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile (1998).
  • M.Sc. in Mathematics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile (1993).
  • B.Sc. in Mathematics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile (1989).

Refereed Publications

Selected Proceedings

Research Projects

  • Project PI_M_2021_99. Programación óptima de cosecha bajo incertidumbre: desde el procesamiento de imágenes a la toma de decisiones en cadenas de suministro agrícola. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (2021 – 2023), Principal Researcher.
  • Project PIM172. Formulation and algorithmic resolution of optimization models in selective harvesting. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (2017-2019), Principal Researcher.
  • Project CYTED P515RT0123. Ibero-American agro-bigdata network and decision support systems for a sustainable agricultural sector. Spain (2016-2019), Co-researcher.
  • Project The MIT – Chile PUC Seed Fund. Facilitating the use of advanced optimization tools in Chile, PUC and USM. USA-Chile (2018-2019), Co-researcher.
  • Project USM 28.15.20. Decisión conjunta para la delineación de terreno y selección de cultivos. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (2015). Principal Researcher.
  • Project PCCI12041. Cooperación bilateral para el estudio de la cadena de suministro de carne roja y el apoyo a su toma de decisión, mediante el empleo de investigación de operaciones. Programa de Cooperación Científica Internacional, CONICYT (2013 – 2015). Principal Researcher.
  • Project USM 28.13.69. Decomposition algorithms for planning problems in agriculture. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (2013 – 2014). Principal Researcher.

Thesis supervision

Social Research Networks

Scientific Societies

  • ICHIO (Chilean Institute of Operational Research)
  • INFORMS (Institut for Operations Research and Management Science)