
David Godoy

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I have got a Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, majoring in Physical Asset Management, as part of a joint doctoral degree granted by both Pontificia Universidad Católica (Chile) and The University of Queensland (Australia). I am also an Industrial Engineer with 3 years of experience within the Mining industry, 1 year at consulting service suppliers, and more than 3 years as teacher and researcher in Asset Management and Reliability Engineering. Since 2017, I am a full-time Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering, specifically in Operations Management Study Area, at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM), under a profile aiming to integrate Academia with Industry through applied innovation initiatives.

I have specialized in the development of integrated models for management of major spare components, with special focus on Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM). My research works have been published in high-impact journals, including issues of prioritization, ordering, replacement, supply-chain, and spare parts pool management. My main research interests are Physical Asset Management, Condition-Based Maintenance Optimization, Reliability Engineering, and PHM Modeling for Predictive Maintenance Management and its industrial application within capital intensive industries. Since this practical knowledge and mentoring background, I am eager to collaborate and lead up world-class research teams. As a committed professional, I am pleased to try my best to make a difference as UTFSM does.

Academic Background

  • Post-Doctorate in Engineering Sciences. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile (Pending, 2017). Research advisor: Rodrigo Pascual J.
  • Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, majoring in Physical Asset Management. Jointly awarded degree. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile & The University of Queensland, Australia (2009-2013). Integrated models for critical spare parts management in asset intensive industries. Research advisors: Rodrigo Pascual J. and Peter F. Knights.
  • M.Sc. in Engineering Sciences. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile (2009-2013).
  • Industrial Engineer and Bachelor in Engineering Sciences. Universidad de Atacama, Chile.

Refereed Publications

Selected Proceedings

  • Godoy, D.R. (September, 2015). Optimización de gestión de repuestos críticos mineros bajo una perspectiva de gestión de activos. In Encuentro Internacional de Mantenedores de Plantas Mineras – MAPLA 2015, Santiago, Chile.
  • Godoy, D.R., & Román, M. (June, 2015). Gestión integrada de caminos y equipos de transporte minero. In Encuentro de Gestión de Activos Físicos – EGAF XVIII, Santiago, Chile.
  • Godoy, D.R., & Pascual, R. (November, 2013). Optimizing critical spare parts management within maintenance service contracts. In ABRISCO Conference – ABRISCO 2013, Río de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Godoy, D.R., & Pascual, R. (September, 2013). Esquema integrado de decisiones para el manejo de repuestos críticos en contratos de mantenimiento. In Encuentro Internacional de Mantenedores de Plantas Mineras – MAPLA 2013, Santiago, Chile.
  • Godoy, D.R., & Román, M. (June, 2013). Monitoreo de perfiles de caminos mineros y su impacto en productividad, activos y seguridad. In Encuentro de Gestión de Activos Físicos – EGAF XIV, Santiago, Chile.
  • Godoy, D.R., & Knights, P. (September, 2012). Optimización de intervalos de intervención de componentes críticos mineros basada sobre el valor. In Encuentro Internacional de Mantenedores de Plantas Mineras – MAPLA 2012, Santiago, Chile.
  • Knights, P., & Godoy D.R. (September, 2011). Decisiones de pedido de repuestos críticos usando confiabilidad condicional y lead time estocástico o fijo. In Encuentro Internacional de Mantenedores de Plantas Mineras – MAPLA 2011, Antofagasta, Chile.
  • Godoy, D.R., & Pascual, R. (June, 2010). Optimización de la cadena de abastecimiento con contratos de externalización de mantenimiento. In Encuentro de Gestión de Activos Físicos – EGAF VIII, Santiago, Chile.
  • Godoy, D.R., & Pascual, R. (November, 2009). Priorización desde una perspectiva de negocios: Diagrama de influencia para la eficiencia de sistema (SEID). In Encuentro Internacional de Mantenedores de Plantas Mineras – MAPLA 2009, Antofagasta, Chile.

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