From year 2004 he has perfomed teaching activities in the following courses: Plant Engineering, Operation Management, Economic Engineering and Maintenance Strategies, all of these at Universidad Federico Santa María.
Since 2016, Fredy was incorporated as a full time faculty member on the Industrial Engineering Department – UTFSM, specifically in Operations Management Study Area.
Throughout his academic career, he has been recognized nine times with the distinction “Maestro de Excelencia” and three times with the distinction “Maestro Destacado”.
His research activity is focusing on Asset Management, Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis.
Academic Background
- Ph.D. in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. University of Seville, Spain (2013-2017). Reliability tools proposal for complex productive systems modelling. Research advisor: Adolfo Crespo.
- Master in Asset Management and Maintenance. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile (2005-2007).
- Industrial Engineering Degree. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile (1995-2001).
Refereed Publications
- Mena, R., Godoy, D. R., Kristjanpoller, F. & Viveros, P. (2024). A multi-objetive two-stage stochastic unit commitment model for wind and battery-integrated power systems. Journal of Energy Storage. 89. 111723.
- Coronado, M., Kadoch, B., Contreras, J., Kristjanpoller, F. (2023). Reliability and availability modelling of a retrofitted Diesel-based cogeneration system for heat and hot water demand of an isolated Antarctic base. Eksploatacja i Niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability.
- Kristjanpoller F., Cárdenas-Pantoja N., Viveros P., Pascual R. (2023). Wind farm life cycle cost modelling based on oversizing capacity under load sharing configuration. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, vol 236. Article 109307.
- Viveros P., Espinoza M., Mena R., Kristjanpoller F. (2023). Extended framework for preventive maintenance planning: Risk and behavior analysis of a proposed optimization model. Complexity. Article ID 2701439.
- Viveros P., Cardenas-Pantoja N., Kristjanpoller F., Mena R. (2022). Reportability Tool Design: Assessing Grouping Schemes for Strategic Decision Making in Maintenance Planning from a Stochastic Perspective. Applied Sciences. 12(11), 5386.
- Viveros P., Mena R., Zio E., Miqueles L. & Kristjanpoller F. (2021). Integrated planning framework for preventive maintenance grouping: A case study for a conveyor system in the Chilean mining industry. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability. Article Number 1748006X211053758.
- Kristjanpoller F., Cárdenas-Pantoja N., Viveros P. & Mena R. (2021). Criticality analysis based on reliability and failure propagation effect for a complex Wastewater Treatment Plant. Applied Sciences. 11(22), 10836.
- Viveros P., Miqueles L., Mena R., Kristjanpoller F. (2021). Opportunistic strategy for maintenance interventions planning: A case study in a wastewater treatment plant. Applied Sciences. 11(22), 10853.
- Pascual R., Blanco E., Viveros P. & Kristjanpoller F. (2021). Application of Microlearning Activities to Improve Engineering Students’ Self- Awareness. International Journal of Engineering Education 37(3), 576-584.
- Parra C., Viveros P., Kristjanpoller F., Crespo A. & González-Prida V. (2021). Audit and diagnosis in asset management and maintenance applied in the electrical industry. DYNA 96(3), 238.
- Kristjanpoller F., Viveros P., Cárdenas N. & Pascual R. (2021). Assessing the Impact of Virtual Standby Systems in Failure Propagation for Complex Wastewater Treatment Processes. Complexity. Article ID 9567524.
- Viveros P., González K., Mena R., Kristjanpoller F. & Robledo J. (2021). Slotting optimization model for a warehouse with divisible first-level accommodation locations. Applied Sciences 11, 936.
- Viveros P., Wulff F., Kristjanpoller F., Nikulin Ch. & Grubessich T. (2020). Sizing of a Standalone PV System with Battery Storage for a Dairy: A Case Study from Chile. Complexity. Article ID 5792782.
- Viveros P., Tapia R. & Kristjanpoller F. (2020). A generalized chart based decision-making tool for optimal preventive maintenance time under perfect renewal process modeling. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Article ID 3078041.
- Kristjanpoller F., Viveros P., Zio E., Pascual R. & Aranda O. (2020). Equivalent availability index for the performance measurement of haul truck fleets. Eksploatacja i Niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability, 22 (4). 583–591.
- Kristjanpoller F., Michell K., Kristjanpoller W. & Crespo A. (2020). Fleet optimization considering overcapacity and load sharing restrictions using genetic algorithms and ant colony optimization. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 34 (1). 104-113.
- Viveros, P., Kristjanpoller, F., López-Campos, M., Crespo, A. & Pascual, R. (2018). Graphical Analysis for Overall Effectiveness Management: A Graphical Method to Support Operation and Maintenance Performance Assessment. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 34. 1615-1632.
- Nakuosi, C., Pascual, R., Anani, A., Kristjanpoller, F. & Lillo, P. (2018). An Asset-Management Oriented Methodology for Mine Haul-Fleet Usage Scheduling. Reliability Engineering and Safety, 180. 336-344.
- López-Campos, M., Kristjanpoller, F., Viveros, P. & Pascual, R. (2018). Reliability Assessment Methodology for Massive Manufacturing Using Multi-Function Equipment. Complexity, 2018. Article ID 4084197.
- Viveros, P., Crespo, A., Barbera, L., Gonzalez-Prida, V. & Kristjanpoller, F. (2018). Decision criteria to select a suitable criticality assessment technique. DYNA, 94(2). 133-134.
- Kristjanpoller, F., Crespo, A., Barberá, L. & Viveros, P. (2017). Biomethanation plant assessment based on reliability impact on operational effectiveness. Renewable Energy, 101. 301-310.
- Kristjanpoller, F., López-Campos, M., Viveros, P. & Crespo, A. (2017). Methodological proposal for the evaluation of reliability impacts in complex systems. Applied case to a crushing copper plant. DYNA, 92(3). 300-307.
- Grubessich, T., Viveros, P., Stegmaier, R., Kristjanpoller, F., Gonzalez-Prida, V. & Peres, F. (2017). Methodological proposal to increase the understanding of a complex system to improve the decision-making process. DYNA, 92(4). 37.
- Kristjanpoller, F., Crespo, A., Viveros, P. & Barberá, L. (2016). Expected Impact Quantification based Reliability Assessment Methodology for Chilean Copper Smelting Process – A Case Study. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 8. 1-13.
- Viveros, P., Crespo, A., Tapia, R., Kristjanpoller, F. & González-Prida, V. (2016). Reliability stochastic modeling for repairable physical assets. Case study applied to the Chilean mining. DYNA, 91. 423-431.
- López-Campos, M., Crespo, A., Viveros, P., Kristjanpoller, F. & Stegmaier, R. (2014). Methodology for auditing the resources allocation of critical maintenance activities. DYNA, 89. 89-97.
- Macchi, M., Kristjanpoller, F., Arata, A., Garetti, M. & Fumagalli, L. (2012). Introducing buffer inventories in the RBD analysis of production systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 104. 84-95.
- Mena, R., Zio, E., Kristjanpoller, F. & Arata A. (2013). Availability-Based Optimization and Simulation Model to Open-Pit Mine Truck Allocation Problem. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 113-119.
- Viveros, P., Zio, E., Kristjanpoller, F. & Arata, A. (2012). Integrated system reliability and productive capacity analysis of a production line. A Case Study for a Chilean Mining Process. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part O-Journal of Risk and Reliability, 226(3). 305-317.
- Parra, C., Crespo, A., Kristjanpoller, F. & Viveros, P. (2012). Stochastic model applied to evaluate the economic impact of the failure in the cycle cost analysis (LCCA). Case Study for the Rail Freight and Oil Industries. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part O-Journal of Risk and Reliability, 226 (4). 392-405.
Selected Proceedings
- Kristjanpoller, F., Crespo, A., López-Campos, M., Viveros, P., Grubessich, T. (2017). Reliability assessment methodology for multiproduct and flexible industrial process. Risk, Reliability and Safety: Innovating Theory and Practice – Proceedings of the 26th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2016.
- Viveros, P, Crespo, A., Kristjanpoller, F., Stegmaier, R., Johns, E., Grubessich, T., Barberá, L. (2017). General framework about graphical analysis for overall effectiveness management. Risk, Reliability and Safety: Innovating Theory and Practice – Proceedings of the 26th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2016.
- Grubessich, T., Viveros, P., Stegmaier, R., Kristjanpoller, F., González-Prida, V., Pérès, F. (2017). General framework methodology to increase organizational learning in the field of asset management. Risk, Reliability and Safety: Innovating Theory and Practice – Proceedings of the 26th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2016.
- Kristjanpoller, F., López-Campos, M., Viveros, P., Crespo, A. (2016). Reliability assessment based on energy consumption as a failure rate factor. Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, IEEE IESM 2015.
- Kristjanpoller, F., Viveros, P., Crespo, A., Mena, R., Stegmaier, R. (2015). A novel methodology for availability assessment of complex load sharing systems. Safety and Reliability: Methodology and Applications – Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2014. 2161-2166.
- Johns, E., Stegmaier, R., Cea, J., Kristjanpoller, F., Viveros, P. (2015). Career employability development through a specialized asset management’s degree: An exploratory analysis for a Chilean program. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 19. 1649-1662.
- Kristjanpoller, F., Viveros, P., Crespo, A., Grubessich, T., Stegmaier, R. (2015). RAM-C: A novel methodology for evaluating the impact and the criticality of assets over systems with complex logical configurations. Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems – Proceedings of the 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2015. 1619-1625.
- Grubessich, T., Stegmaier, R., Johns, E., Viveros, P., Kristjanpoller, F. (2015). A methodological proposal to meet analysis requirements with purified information through a logical work sequence and a decision tree in the field of maintenance management. Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems – Proceedings of the 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2015. 2055-2062.
- Grubessich, T., Johns, E., Viveros, P., Stegmaier, R., Kristjanpoller, F. (2015). A framework proposal to analyse the performance of assets under complex system. Safety and Reliability: Methodology and Applications – Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2014. 1915-1924.
- Viveros, P., Nikulin, C., Crespo, A., Tapia, R., Stegmaier, R., Johns, E., Kristjanpoller, F. (2015). A support system for selecting the most suitable spare parts strategy. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 19. 19-29.
- Viveros, P., Crespo, A., Barberá, L., Kristjanpoller, F., Stegmaier, R., Johns, E., Grubessich, T. (2015). General framework about graphical analysis for operation management. Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems – Proceedings of the 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2015. 1065-1071.
- Viveros, P., Tapia, R., Johns, E., Kristjanpoller, F., Nikulin, C. (2014). A creative risk analysis algorithm to support the spare part decision. Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Beyond the Horizon – Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2013. 1953-1960.
- Viveros, P., Crespo, A., Kristjanpoller, F., Stegmaier, R., Johns, E., Gonzalez-Prida, V. (2014). Probabilistic performance assessment for crushing system. A case study for a mining process. PSAM 2014 – Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management.
- Mena, R., Zio, E., Viveros, P., Kristjanpoller, F., Arata, A. (2012). Simulation and multi-objective optimization of an open-pit mine truck-shovel system by the cross-entropy method. 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and the Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012, PSAM11 ESREL 2012, 8. 6663-6672.
- Viveros, P., Tapia, R., Kristjanpoller, F., Barberá, L., González-Prida, V. (2012). Functional stockpile analysis in complex productive systems. IFAC Proceedings Volumes. 13-18.
- Barberá, L., Crespo, A., Viveros, P., Kristjanpoller, F. (2012). RAM analysis of mining process: A case study of a Copper Smelting Process in the field of mining, Chile. IFAC Proceedings Volumes. 217-222.
Research Projects
- Proyecto de Investigación UTFSM, PI_LIR_2020_5. Modelo de Confiabilidad basada en consumo energético para definición de planes de mantenimiento en equipos móviles. Investigador Responsable (2020-2021).
- Proyecto de Investigación UTFSM, I_L_18_06. Evaluación de impactos de confiabilidad para campos de aerogeneradores bajo el enfoque de costo de ciclo de vida. Investigador Responsable (2018-2019).
Thesis supervision
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Social Research Networks
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