
Fredy Kristjanpoller

Información de contacto

+56 (32) 2654905


From year 2004 he has perfomed teaching activities in the following courses: Plant Engineering, Operation Management, Economic Engineering and Maintenance Strategies, all of these at Universidad Federico Santa María.

Since 2016, Fredy was incorporated as a full time faculty member on the Industrial Engineering Department – UTFSM, specifically in Operations Management Study Area.

Throughout his academic career, he has been recognized nine times with the distinction “Maestro de Excelencia” and three times with the  distinction “Maestro Destacado”.

His research activity is focusing on Asset Management, Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis.

Academic Background

  • Ph.D. in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. University of Seville, Spain (2013-2017). Reliability tools proposal for complex productive systems modelling. Research advisor: Adolfo Crespo.
  • Master in Asset Management and Maintenance. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile (2005-2007).
  • Industrial Engineering Degree. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile (1995-2001).

Refereed Publications

Selected Proceedings

Research Projects

  • Proyecto de Investigación UTFSM, PI_LIR_2020_5. Modelo de Confiabilidad basada en consumo energético para definición de planes de mantenimiento en equipos móviles. Investigador Responsable (2020-2021).
  • Proyecto de Investigación UTFSM, I_L_18_06. Evaluación de impactos de confiabilidad para campos de aerogeneradores bajo el enfoque de costo de ciclo de vida. Investigador Responsable (2018-2019).

Thesis supervision

Social Research Networks