I am an Industrial Engineer from the University of Guadalajara (México), where I was also a part-time teacher during eight years. Then, as a grant holder I got a Ph.D. in Industrial Organization from the University of Seville (Spain). Currently, I´m a member of the National System of Researchers (Mexico), and since 2014 I´m a full time faculty professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering, specifically in Operations Management Study Area, at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (Chile). I teach the subjects of Maintenance Management, Operations Management and Quality Management.
Prior to joining the Department of Industrial Engineering I had a post-doctoral period in the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparíso, Chile, where I worked with Ph.D. Pablo Miranda in supply chain research. My research works have been published in journals such as Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Computers in Industry, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, and Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, among others. My interests in research include maintenance management, modelling of processes, logistics, quality, simulation and educational methodologies for the engineering. I have also participated in several research projects in Mexico, Spain and Chile, as well as in international organi-zations such as the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
Academic Background
- Post-doc in Engineering. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile (2014-2015). Research advisor: Pablo Miranda.
- Ph.D. in Industrial Organization and Management. Universidad de Sevilla, España (2008-2012). Diseño de un marco de referencia para la gestión del mantenimiento orientado al cumplimiento de estándares y a la aplicación de procesos e-maintenance. Research advisor: Adolfo Crespo.
- M.Sc. in Industrial Organization and Management. Universidad de Sevilla, España (2006-2008).
- M.Sc. in Quality Systems. Universidad de Guadalajara, México (2002-2004).
- Industrial Engineering Degree. Universidad de Guadalajara, México (1997-2002).
Refereed Publications
- López-Campos, M., Escalona, P., Angulo, A., Recabarren, F., & Stegmaier, R. (2024). On the Number of Customer Classes in a Single-Period Inventory System. Mathematics, 12(10), 1509.
- C. Álvarez, M. López-Campos, R. Stegmaier, F. Mancilla-David, R. Schurch & A. Angulo. (2020). A Condition-Based Maintenance Model Including Resource Constraints on the Number of Inspections. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 69, 3, 1165-1176.
- Olivares, D., Olivares-Benitez, E., Puente, E., López-Campos, M. & Miranda, P.A. (2018). Combined Use of Mathematical Optimization and Design of Experiments for the Maximization of Profit in a Four-Echelon Supply Chain. Complexity, 2018, Article ID 8731027.
- López-Campos, M., Kristjanpoller, F., Viveros, P. & Pascual, R. (2018). Reliability Assessment Methodology for Massive Manufacturing Using Multi-Function Equipment. Complexity, 2018, Article ID 4084197.
- Soto, S., Stegmaier, R., & López-Campos, M. (2017). Solución al Problema de Localización de Repuestos para Activos Móviles. DYNA Ingenieria e Industria, 92(4): 382.
- Cannella, S., González-Ramírez, R. G., Dominguez, R., López-Campos, M. A., & Miranda, P. A. (2017). Modelling and Simulation in Operations and Complex Supply Chains. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017.
- Kristjanpoller, F., Crespo, A., López-Campos, M., & Viveros, P. (2017). Methodological proposal for the evaluation of reliability impacts in complex systems. Applied case to a crushing copper plant. DYNA, 92(3): 300-307.
- Gómez Fernández, J., Crespo Márquez, A., López-Campos, M. (2016). Customer-oriented risk assessment in Network Utilities. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 2016; 147: 72-83.
- Cannella, S., López‐Campos, M., Dominguez, R., Ashayeri, J., & Miranda, P. A. (2015). A simulation model of a coordinated decentralized supply chain. International Transactions in Operational Research, 22(4), 735-756.
- López-Campos, M.; Cannella, S. (2014). Panorama de los sistemas de información para la gestión del mantenimiento. Dyna España 2014; 89(2): 144-147.
- López-Campos, M.; Cannella, S.; Bruccoleri, M. (2014). E-maintenance platform: a business process modelling approach. Dyna Colombia 2014; 81(183): 31-39.
- López-Campos, M.; Viveros, P.; Crespo, A.; Kristjanpoller, F.; Stegmaier, R. (2014). Metodología para auditar la asignación de recursos a las actividades críticas de mantenimiento. Dyna España 2014; 89(1).
- López-Campos, M.; Crespo, A.; Gómez, J. (2013). Modelling using UML and BPMN the integration of open reliability, maintenance and condition monitoring management systems: an application in an electric transformer system. Computers in Industry 2013; 64: 524-542.
- López-Campos M., Crespo , A. (2011). Modelling a maintenance management framework based on PAS 55 standard. Quality and Reliability Engineering International 2011; 27(6): 805-820.
Selected Proceedings
- López-Campos, M., Nikulin, C., González-Ramírez, R., Ascencio, L. Integrated methodology for decision making: study of the main routes carrying dangerous cargoes in the Valparaiso region. European Safety and Reliability Association (ESREL 2017), Sep 25-29, Slovenia.
- Kristjanpoller, F., Crespo, A., López-Campos, M., Viveros, P., Grubbesich, T. Reliability assessment methodology for multiproduct and flexible industrial process. European Safety and Reliability Association (ESREL 2016), Sep 25-29, Glasgow, UK.
- Kristjanpoller, F., López-Campos, M., Viveros, P., Crespo, A. Reliability assessment based on energy consumption as a failure rate factor. 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, October 2015, Seville, Spain.
- López-Campos, M.; Gómez, J.; Holgado, M., Crespo, A. Interoperabilidad para la calidad de las operaciones y el mantenimiento. XII Congreso de Confiabilidad, Nov 2010, Cádiz, España.
- López-Campos, M., Fumagalli, L., Gómez, J., Crespo, A., Macchi, M. UML model for integration between RCM and CBM in an e-Maintenance architecture. 1st IFAC Workshop on Advanced Maintenance Engineering, Services and Technology 2010, Jul 2010, Lisboa, Portugal.
- Cannella, S., Ciancimino, E.; López-Campos, M. Mixed e-Assessment: an application of the student-generated question technique. IEEE International Conference EDUCON 2010, Apr 2010, Madrid, España.
- López-Campos, M., Gómez, J.; González, V.; Crespo, A. A new maintenance management model expressed in UML. European Safety and Reliability Association (ESREL 2009), Sep 2009, Prague, Czech Republic.
Thesis supervision
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